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Selectboard Minutes July 6, 2009

Town of Princeton, MA
Regular Meeting
July 6, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM.  Present were Chairman Alan Sentkowski, Joe O’Brien, Raymond Dennehy and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.

FY09 Warrant #27 and FY10 Warrant #01
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer & Accountant.

June 22, 2009 Regular Meeting – Joe moved to accept the minutes. Raymond seconded. All in favor (3-0).
June 22, 2009 Executive Session – Joe moved to accept the minutes as amended. Raymond seconded. All in favor (3-0).

FY08 Ice Storm Update
Joe reported the clean up is continuing. Overall things are going well, however there is one discrepancy with regard to 130 trees on a spreadsheet from FEMA.  FEMA will meet and work to resolve.

HPT Trash & Recycling Update
The minimum participation rate of 60% was not met by the June 30 deadline. The committee will meet later this week to decide how to proceed. Options include extending the deadline by one month. In the meantime, deposit checks will continue to be accepted. If the program doesn’t move forward the Board agreed they would discuss options for Princeton with Waste Management.

Advisory Board Annual Appointments
The Board needs a detailed roster of all Advisory Board members indicating when they were appointed, current term, and if those with terms about to expire have indicated whether or not they want to continue.  Brenda will send a note to Lynne requesting the information.

Advisory Board Appointment
Joe moved to appoint John W. Shipman of Mirick Road to serve as a member of the Advisory Board with a term to expire on June 30, 2012. Raymond seconded. All in favor (3-0).

FY10 Cherry Sheet
Town Administrator John Lebeaux reviewed the FY10 cherry sheet with the Board. There was discussion about the Quinn Bill. Final numbers need to be worked on.  There may be a reduction in the WRSD assessment; details will be available in the fall.

Award Highway and Fuel Bids
John Lebeaux reviewed the results of the June 23 bid openings. Joe moved to award highway and fuel bids as presented, with the exception of winter sand (samples need to be reviewed).  The awards are as follows:
  • Bituminous Concrete awarded to E.H. Perkins as the low bidder.
  • Road Reclamation awarded to Murray Paving as the low bidder.
  • Crack Sealing awarded to Crack Sealing Inc. as the low bidder.
  • Asphaltic Oils & Equipment Rental awarded to All States Asphalt, Inc., the only bidder.
  • Fuel awarded to Radio Oil as the low bidder.
  • Line Painting awarded to HI-Way Safety Systems, Inc. as the low bidder.
Reserve Fund Transfer Requests
Joe moved to approve the following Reserve Fund Transfer requests in accordance with the provisions of MA General Laws. Raymond seconded. All in favor (3-0).
  • Transfer the amount of $1,000.00 from Ambulance Expense account (15-5-231-780) to Ambulance Salary account (15-5-231-100) to cover salary.
  • Transfer the amount of $250.00 from Reserve Fund account (01-5-132-780) to Town Building Salaries account (01-5-192-100) for the purpose of WebSite maintenance.
  • Transfer the amount of $500.00 from Reserve Fund account (01-5-132-780) to Town Accountant Expense account (01-5-135-780) to cover salary. (Note: prior years expenses were split between three towns, this year split between two towns).
  • Transfer the amount of $865.00 from Reserve Fund account (01-5-132-780) to Town Building Salaries account (01-5-192-100) to cover town building salaries.
  • Transfer the amount of $405.60 from Assessors Expense account (01-5-141-780) to Principal Assessors Salary account (01-5-141-101) to cover salary (Note: FY08 pay increase to salary line was short and calculation for FY09 was under funded).
  • Transfer the amount of $74.00 from Tax Collector Expense account (01-5-146-780) to Tax Collector Salary account (01-5-146-100) to cover salary. (Note: longevity bonus was not budgeted in salary).
  • Transfer the amount of $2,469.84 from Reserve Fund account (01-5-132-780) to Town Counsel account (01-5-154-300) to cover additional expense not appropriated.

Review FY09 Short & Long Term Goals.
The Board reviewed the goals and discussed the best time to hold their goal setting retreat with John Lebeaux. September is the likely timeframe and John will provide suggested dates to the Board. Long-term goals will continue to be worked on. Public safety is a high priority and the decreasing enrollment at the Thomas Prince School will be discussed as a future goal.  All will be reviewed in detail at the retreat and additional goals will be set at that time.

Public Comment
There were no comments from the public.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 pm. All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Secretary